a black and white logo with a star in the middle

≈ Store ≈

a black and white logo with a star in the middle


- This store is for the U.S ONLY!

- For Texas orders, sales taxes will apply on the item and shipping price(8.28%)

We want you to have this album, because it was genuinely crafted with this passion we grew up with, and each track has its own identity, no filler! In no way we would take our fans as ‘milking cows’, so we will give the best deals.

Until everything is gone!

CD. This stock will be the last one! : $5

that which is not cd cover


Rest of the U.S


Buy 1 cd = Get a signed poster, button, patch and sticker : $12


Rest of the U.S

Click picture to enlarge


Buy 1 T-Shirt = Get everything above!

( CD, signed poster, sticker, patch, button) : $20

(Size Available : S - M - L )

Click pictures to enlarge


Rest of the U.S

DISCORPORATE “That Which Is Not” album, digital format :

itunes logo on a white background
the logo for qbuzz on a black background
apple music logo on a black background
the amazon music logo on a black background
deezer logo on a black background

All rights reserved ©Adharma Records 2023